Monday, February 14, 2011

My 2nd 5K

WOW was my time better, I shaved 8.5 minutes off this baby!! The lessons I learned from my previous event really helped me out. I stretched out WAYYYY more this time and I am in NO pain today. I bought new running socks and my feet are in MUCH better shape than the last time. Just one blister and we determined I need RUNNING shoes. I'm looking at some New Balances', if anyone has any, let me know what you think about them. I carried water with me and ate before the race. I felt SO much better. I needed every bit of help because I was NOT prepared for ALLLLLLL the hills. Holy hell, many of them were very long and VERY steep. I will certainly look at the map of all future runs BEFORE I register. I was however, VERY disappointed with their volunteer staff. Maybe it's because I only have 1 event to compare them to, but I did NOT like being told to hurry up a thousand times. Ahhh, here's a thought, tell the RUNNERS to hurry, their here to RACE and they want to know their time. Walkers on the other hand, are WALKING and we're doing it simply for our health. Our only goal is to FINISH. I paid for this, I am walking and well, I've got WAY more weight on me than the athletes who were running, so give me a freaking break. Next time, I'll speak up for myself and politely tell them to leave me alone! Here is what I posted to my Facebook and I stand by this: "Sometimes, the LAST person to finish the race, is really the biggest winner of the day". Nobody at that event knew that just a few years back, I wouldn't walk down my driveway without being in utter pain and out of breath. Now, I'm walking and jogging in events. They have no clue about my journey, where I've been and who I am.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the challenge of this one. I slept like a baby last night too. Really excited about my next event in 2 more weeks. Tonight, I'll do some cross training. 10 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes of lunges and other exercises...doing 3 reps total. I will celebrate yesterdays' victory, with a harder workout. I will push myself a little bit harder and hopefully, next event, I'll do even better!

As always, I'll do this, one bite at a time, one decision at a time.


  1. I am SO proud of you sweetheart!

    Your loving Wife,

  2. I'm SO glad you got to were SO supportive of me. I KNOW you could have run it and been done WAYYYy before me...but you chose to go with me. I love you too!

  3. I better watch out you may be a jock sooner than you think. I am also proud of you knowing your journey is part of the plan. Congrats to you girlfriend!! Everyday is a chance to start over if you fall off, so stay with it, i sent you suggestions on your last blog!
    Keep up the good work! You are looking great!!!

  4. Thanks Lady, you've been one of my MOST supportive friends. I can always count on and that says alot.

    Love ya!
